On occasion it is nice to have a way to open a file in Vim without having to jump over to the terminal. I researched a few GUI options like VimR or MacVim and others but all had problems. MacVim didn’t support FZF and wasn’t built on Neovim, VimR and others didn’t quite feel polished/stable enough.
After a bit more research and trial and error I found that I could create an Automator app with an AppleScript which would accomplish what I wanted.
Here is the script if you want to try it out.
on run {input, parameters}
set filePath to POSIX path of input
on error errMsg
set filePath to ""
end try
tell application "iTerm"
create window with default profile
tell front window
tell current session
if filePath is "" then
write text ("vim; exit")
write text ("vim " & quote & filePath & quote & "; exit")
end if
end tell
end tell
end tell
end run
To use this script, open Automator and create a new Application, then choose “Run AppleScript” and drag it into the workflow. Paste the above script in then save the application and you are ready to go. This script opens iTerm but it could be modified to use Terminal too.